Keith Olbermann Special Comment: California Proposition 8

God bless you, Keith Olbermann. You have heart and you make sense. Why on earth does anyone give so much time, energy and thought opposing whatever nonviolent, loving thing goes on with consent between any two adults?!  Thank you, Keith, for your compassion and wisdom.

2 Responses

  1. Keith really looks like he’s going to cry.

    I love it that he mentions Loving v. Virginia.

    This is going to have to go before the Surpreme Court.

    He got me to cry.

  2. Two things Keith neglected that need mentioning (and I am a HUGE fan of his).

    1 – It DOES affect him; tax dollars go towards the Gay Divorce Welfare program… HIS money.

    2 – We need to hear more about the damage and suffering caused when rights are denied; it’s more than “love”. Legal Hate & Cruelty is what we experience.

    Simply put – the Mormons have proved with their complete obsession with PROP 8 to be a Tax-Exempt Hate Group.

    Heterosexuals – You better wake up. Instead of pondering a cerebral concept like how gays want the “1,138 rights of marriage”, you need to educate yourselves about the CONSEQUENCES when one or more of those 1,138 rights are denied. GOOGLE “Freeheld” or “Tying the Knot”; watch the DVDs. Write it down now.

    Your laws HATE us, and we’ve had it! Yes, I did said HATE – I stand by it. Because how else can you explain these 3 realities?:

    A police woman loses her life in the line of duty; her wife of 13 years is denied all pension benefits.

    A rancher loses his husband of 22 years; his inlaws evict him and try to take the home he built and lived in with his beloved.

    A detective spends 25 years risking her own life while protecting society; she has to spend her remaining days on this earth worrying whether her earned pension will be transferred to her wife (while living with terminal cancer).

    YES, H-A-T-E. And your silence on this matter is a serious affront to our families’s safety and security. FAMILY – isn’t that a cherished concept in the U.S.A.?

    So now after decades of disinterest, some of us in the LGBTI community have AWAKENED. And we will refuse to pay one penny of income tax to the IRS until the government (i.e. – you) decide you WANT our tax dollars as EQUAL CITIZENS.

    This ain’t a vote.
    This ain’t a debate.
    This ain’t a popularity contest.

    You will PAY OUR TAXES until we have what your family ALREADY HAS; your apathy is costing you money as you read this.


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